Her teacher Mrs. Sherwood & Sierra - What a wonderful teacher!
Auntie Leigh, Grandma & Nanna
The little graduate and her cousins.
Grandma trying to get the whole cap on the cake as a piece for Sierra.
Sierra & Great Grandma
Sierra's friends Sadie & Reghan came to see her graduate.
After she got her diploma from her principal.
My little girl so grown up! I loved this white cotton dress she wore for her graduation too!
Here she is singing away!
I loved this picture of her they took for the slideshow of all the kids.
The 2 Kindergarten classes together on stage.
Her cake my mom got for her.
Well Sierra graduated last Thursday from Kindergarten. She was just singing her heart out and so full of energy. I ended up being too far back for most of the pictures but I got some from another family member. She was so excited that we had a party at our house for her afterwards that she whipped off her gown once she got in her classroom and was ready to go in a matter of minutes! My mom ordered an ice cream cake for her and we had some snacks with Steve's and my family at home. I was so proud of her - not a bit of nervousness showed - even though she talked about it all week.
Wow!!!! Congratulations Sierra
:0) We are so proud of you. You looked so cool in your graduation outfit. Your dress was beautiful too.
What a darling white dress! Congrats to all of you! How exciting. Can you believe your baby is done with kindergarten already?!?
Way to go Sierra! Cute pic of the girls with her. I'm so glad we could be there - who would have ever thought that would have been possible. I'm thankful God has us here near you guys. Treasured memories!!!
Congrats to Sierra! Way to go! Love the dress and love the pic of Sierra on the big screen slideshow! Her eyes are amazing! :)
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