Well we are camping out this weekend at my parents' house while they are away for Memorial Day weekend. We are taking care of their dog and 20+ year old cat. It takes some getting used to with letting the dog out at the crack of dawn and trying to quiet the deep guttural meows of the cat who thinks she's all alone. Last night we went to a carnival at Sierra's school where all the games required a certain number of tickets. The tickets were 20 for $5. Each booth was run by a teacher and the tickets they received transferred into money for their classroom. Clever idea. There were a ton of people there being it was elementary through high school mulling around with their families. Thankfully we had put a 1/2 hour time limit on it up front. All was well until Sierra saw a clown - freak out! Ring any bells Monica? I think that gene got genetically passed down. I hate clowns ever since I saw the movie IT in high school. Mind you I'm not totally freaked out by seeing one but I don't want any in my house! Not an idea to those who visit! Anyways, we are enjoying a relaxing weekend. We love doing fires outside and having smores. No swimming this Memorial Day - too chilly.
Edit: Well I guess chilly was not in the forecast. It was in the 80's today!
Awww....campfires and IT reminds me of youth group :)
Toooooo funny that she doesn't like them as well
That is a clever idea. I wonder how the profit margin was compared to the effort they had to put into it.
Have fun!!
clowns and cabbage patch kids are on the kabosh at my house. aren't they all demon-posessed? at least i've thought so since some youthgroup sleepovers :-)
Yeah I'm with ya on the cabbage patch kids - ahh!
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