I can't tell which Brewer this is, but our personal favorites are JJ Hardy and Prince Fielder (our cat is even named Prince Fielder :)

I don't know about any of you guys but I am so sick of snow and so ready for spring. I heard that the pitcher and catchers will be heading to practice soon, which makes me get excited about the Brewers season ahead. I think they have a good chance of doing well this year; they were right on the edge last year of making the playoffs. We normally go to about 5-6 games a year, but we'll probably have to limit the number this year. They are doing well which means they can raise the price of tickets again. We love going to TGI Fridays in the park and watching the game from in there, especially when we get nosebleed seats :). I even thought about working in Miller Park to get discounted seats, but that wouldn't work when there's day games. I don't think they'd approve of me bringing my daughter with me! Got to go - my daughter has a bandaid fettish and desperately needs one at the moment for an owie I can't even see!
1 comment:
I take it bandaid fetishes come and go, eh? Chloe's vvvvvvvvvery into bandaids right now and will even pretend with stickers, tape or mailing labels.
I'm not a baseball fan at all but I share your anxiousness for spring! Is Sierra enjoying the mountains of snow you all have?
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