Wednesday, March 28, 2007

We've been trying the program photo booth on my computer. Here's a funny one of Steve, Jordan & Brooke.Here's a great picture of Sierra and my Dad.

Well regarding my dr. visit today, the dr. said 6 more weeks before my foot is totally healed, but I don't have to wear my boot anymore unless my foot starts hurting considerably. So I can wear tennis shoes, sandals, or even be barefoot - woohoo! Thankfully no more crutches. You never realize how precious the basic things are until they are taken away. Just in time for spring/summer :).


Monica said...

Ha ha ha! I love that picture of Steve. That is cool. I have never heard of that!

Anonymous said...

Those are hilarious pics, Jen -- especially Steve's eyes -- made me chuckle. :o)

Shelli D. Hawkins said...

Hey Jen,
Those picures are cute and I am glad you foot is continuing to heal. I have a question for you. When you get a chance let me know your email by sending me an email.

Have a great Saturday!