Monday, February 26, 2007

No news is not always good news. I went outside to take a walk when it was warming up here on Tuesday and slipped and fell on the stairs. I nailed my head on a concrete step and broke a bone in my foot. I had a mongo gooseegg on my head which still is hurting but has diminished significantly. Thankfully on Thursday I got a walking boot on my foot, so I can at least get around with out crutches and hopping. I'm still adjusting to the difference in leg length with the boot on which makes it quite awkward. I had to go to the bathroom in a garbage can by my bed if I wake up in the middle of the night, b/c my boot comes off at night. I'm not very steady on the crutches at 2 a.m. either :). Frustrating! My lovely boot! We kind of had an Iron Mtn. experience with our hospital here. They said I just sprained my foot. I took their x-rays to an orthopedic dr. and he said it was broken. It is the 2nd one this month from the same hospital with the wrong diagnosis. Kind of like Iron Mtn.'s practice of taking out extra organs when you go in for surgery :). Let's take out the appendix just for the heck of it since we're going in there anyway - priceless!
We also got a lot of snow this weekend (maybe a foot), not as much as expected (22 inches). Sierra and Steve made a fort and Steve let Sierra bury him in snow :).
Here's my beloved husband whipping snowballs at me, while I take pictures of him :).


Unknown said...

YOU POOR THING!!!!!!!!! That sounds so awful! How long will you have to wear the boot? Take care of yourself girl! No more dangerous walking around on steps, you hear?

Monica said...

Oh noOOOOOOOo!!!! You have got to be kidding me :( I am so sorry I am not there to help you. How in the world are you managing? I love you dearly and will be praying for a speedy recovery!!!!

Cari Mohler said...

Oh, No!!! No News Is NOT a GOOD THING! :( Ugh!! I am so sorry!!! I will be praying that are not in much pain! The boot thing does not look like fun...better than the cast though! Oh, I am so sorry Jen! I hope it heals quickly!!!


Anonymous said...

Yikes, Jen! This sounds horribly awkward & annoying & painful! I hope you heal quickly, woman.

Jen said...

Thanks guys! I am so thankful for your thoughts and prayers!

Liesl said...

oh, jenny. so sorry! i'll be praying for you. thanks for the card for Elijah; he has it on his dresser. you are so kind to remember. is your family and church family able to come help you out?
new subject--did you get those email pics of wally and sarah and girls and house? wow. those girls are so big!

Jen said...

Liesl - Yeah I got the pictures of Sarah's family - so good to hear from her! I'd love to hear how they're doing and to find out how her nursing career is going. Also, our families and Trinity have really helped out with meals, taking care of Sierra and getting me out of the house :)

Monica said...

Hey I want to see the pics of Sarah and her family. Jen, would you email them to me? Also, did you get my message. I am bringing those clothes... let me know if you would like to look through them.

Esther said...

Yikes!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry. So I'm assuming your head injury wasn't as major - that could have been really bad. Not that a broken foot isn't bad - it's horrible! How long do they say you're going to have the wear the boot? (Maybe your post said - I'll go back and read it again.) We'll be praying for you! We love you guys.

Jen said...

Yeah they weren't too concerned about my head, but it is affecting my neck now that the head has deswelled (ok I don't know what the correct word would be :). The fall kind of had a whiplash effect on it, but we're seeing the chiro regularly. I go in on March 28 to see if I can get the boot off. Oh I hope so as long as the ice is gone around here :).