Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What a happy camper :)!
There's the little girl I know & love!
The beloved job of unwinding the tree lights and seeing if all of them work.

Well here I am! Yes a long hiatus. I guess this is the one time of year when I get really busy. We have been shivering, to say the least, with our 10 inch snowfall last Friday and a few more inches added on by tonight. I must say I am not a fan of an early snow covering. We normally don't get hit until January. I do like that Steve's work was closed too b/c of the snow, but I hate the trapped feeling you get when your driveway isn't plowed for quite some time. I tell you one thing though, it helped us get our house ready for Christmas! I've even been rearranging Sierra's room to help make room for some Christmas presents she's getting. Thankfully, she's clueless to why her room is getting a mass overhaul :). She is a trooper though - open to new things. This is the first year since we've been married that Steve hasn't had to work 2 jobs or work 6 day work weeks for one job. We are loving it! We are so thankful to have daddy home to spend time with. To add to the blessing, my niece is now old enough to babysit - woo hoo! More dates for us! Hope you are enjoying your Christmas season!


Unknown said...

Welcome back to blogging! I've missed you!

I wish we had some of your snow. We finally got dusted today but it's all mostly melted all ready. :(

I can't wait to see your home with all the Christmas trimmings; I bet it looks very homey with all your maroon decor. Do you have a real or artificial tree?

Anonymous said...

welcome back from me too!! I agree with AL, you'll have to post pics of your home! Sierra is such a cutie!

Heather said...

We got 10 inches too! I couldn't believe it!! I think some more is on for tomorrow but not nearly as much! I am not a fan of the cold and snow, but I do love snow with the Christmas holiday!

Jen said...

We have a real tree this year, we broke down and bought a balsam vs. a white pine this year. We are finding that the short needles break off a lot easier though. I miss the $5 trees on the side of the road in Amberg, I think, near NBBC.
I'll post pictures of my house once it is cleaned :). I am a clutter queen.
Yeah I'm all for snow on Christmas, but not the whole winter. I remember a couple of years ago people were golfing in Feb. I could handle that again :).

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you Northlandites. Isn't it in your blood to love snow??? I LOVE it! We never get it anymore down here in St Louis. We were supposed to get 5-8 inches last week...we ended up with .5! Grrr. Hannah thinks the only place to play in snow is in WI :)

Great job. Isn't having your best friend home the BEST!!! Oooh, I love being married to my favorite man, and I really love when he gets to spend time with us :)

Jen...how is your back doing with all that moving around? We can't wait to see you guys!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! You're back. I missed you too. Here in PA we have been snowless. The 60-70 degree weather hasn't helped me get into the Christmas spirit, but hoping the cold weather this week will help. Can't wait to see pics of your house. :)

christina said...

that first pic totally reminds me of my sister! hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Hey--Jen and Steve--I hope you remember me. It's Becky Thompson. I saw your posting on Carissa's site--or maybe it was Alicia's. Anyway, I saw your name and was thrilled to read a little about your life now. I hope you're all well!

Anonymous said...

LOL @ "happy camper" -- I love seeing all the snow, Jen! It's been a long, long, LONG time for me!

Anonymous said...

Great pics - great to see current info. I'm loving the snow pictures - but I'm also loving not having to drive in it this season!! :)

Jen said...

Yeah I am loving our current 50 degree weather and the melting of our snow. It makes Christmas shopping much more enjoyable!